In a whimpering, barely coherent voice he cried: “I’m sorry for what I did to Compton.” His next victim was Kathleen Greening, also in St. On June 6 he called to say newspaper accounts of some of the murders were inaccurate. I keep killing somebody.” Two days later he called police to say he was sorry for stabbing Compton and would turn himself in, but did not. After killing her, he again contacted police pleading: “God damn, will you find me? I just stabbed somebody with an ice pick. His next victim was Kimberly Compton, an 18-year-old student from Wisconsin on June 3, 1981. to report the attack, directing police to a location where “There is a girl hurt there.” It may not technically be found footage, but the recordings of the Weepy Voice Killer are pretty creepy.įrom Wikipedia: On December 31, 1980, Stephani beat Karen Potack in Prescott, Wisconsin, inflicting severe wounds and brain injury. Suddenly the ground gives way and they are struggling to stay above the water until finally you don’t see them anymore and the water goes calm. Couple is on their honeymoon and playing around in waist high water at the edge of a lake. The link I posted is an edited version, but I think you can find all the tapes on the internet. At the end of the video he kills himself. He was obsessed with Björk and over the course of 9 months, made several videos detailing how he was going to kill her with a letter bomb, among other things.

Thanks to the horror fanatics at Reddit for the suggestions! 1. Here are 11 instances where an eerie event was caught on video / audio and discovered after the fact.

Twenty20 / when creepy things happen, there’s evidence left behind.