This features recent and most commonly used folders and documents for easy access. Possibly for those less tech savvy consumers, Windows has introduced the Home folder.

You can snap up to 4 apps on the same screen. When you snap something to one side, it prompts you to snap something else into the other half of the screen. You can create multiple “virtual” desktops and run programs on each one. Windows 10 looks a lot like Windows 7, with some small design changes like a shadow around the window frames and new animations when you resize, open and close windows. What’s New in Windows 10? Refreshing Design If you are a fan of the start screen (and I’m told they do exist), you can set that as your preference as well. The menu is fully customizable and can be resized to be as large or small as needed. Next to these, a more palatable touchscreen enabled Live Tile display. All previews show the familiar home screen, with the Start menu in the bottom corner (where it belongs), and the familiar scrollable nested folders. Microsoft seems to have taken the hint, scaling back their massive redesign released in Windows 8. Not only will your devices seamlessly communicate with each other, but they will all look alike for one user experience. The main philosophy for Microsoft Windows 10 is to have one unified operating system that can run on any device.